Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Weight Loss and Genetics

Could genetics be your culprit in preventing you from getting the results you’ve been working towards when it comes to weight optimization and/or muscle building? 

Eating right and exercising are critical in achieving a healthy body. However, Genetics are playing a huge role in this and your genes are what determines how your body is going to respond to certain exercises and diets. 
Did you know from different types of exercises some people will actually GAIN unwanted weight, while others will lose it? What if you’re putting all your efforts into the suboptimal movement for your body? 

When we start to look into your metabolic profile we can interpret so much about what a healthy diet wold look like for you. Different genes results in different responses to carbohydrates, fats, and protein. Are you someone who smells a bread roll and gains ten pounds? There are genetic and physiological reasons that drive your food cravings, satiety, hunger, and rate of fat burning. Understanding your genetics can allow us to tap into these processes with targeted lifestyle and supplementation interventions. 

For my In-depth genetic interpretations we look at your raw data from #23andme and I analyze this and present you with an easy to follow guide about your genes. I provide you with the tools and recommendations you need to eat and exercise right for your body. In  addition, this genetic analysis allows me to look at interventions to optimize immune function, hormones, stress responses, detox, sleep function and nutrients and vitamins. All based on YOUR genes. 

Contact me now to get scheduled for your Genetic Interpretation!
720.419.6486 or visit the link in my bio and schedule an appointment!

Molly Sears