Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


A word on Women's Health

Women’s healthcare is lacking. 

1. lacking validation of your experiences
2. Lacking informed consent 
3. Lacking education. 
4. Lacking research
5. Lacking empowerment to the women 

The average appointment with a doctor lasts under 7 minutes. You have 7 minutes to sum up your experience, your story, your reality. This results in your treatment being based off statistics and insurance allowances. This often robs the brilliant practitioners of their clinical intelligence and ability to treat YOU. 

There was a survey done with primary care providers where 50% said they had “poor” or “very poor” knowledge of contraception options. 1 in 10 women state they are “unhappy with their birth control but didn’t know what other options are available” Other influential players in the healthcare world have been quoted stating that we have to be careful teaching women about the fertility awareness method because of distrust in the ability of women to understand effectively. 

Well, I think you’re capable of understanding anything you want to understand. I also believe you’re more than a statistic. Your story is valid. Your experiences are real. I don’t think you’re crazy, and you’re definently not “too complicated” or “too sensitive”. Your symptoms are not “so strange” they make sense and I’ll teach you why. I’ll empower you through education so that you can understand your body, your options, and navigate your own health journey. 💕

Molly Sears