Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Womens Health: a topic I will not only teach my future daughter about but also my future son

On our third date most of the conversation we had revolved around the uterus and the menses. I'll confess, I might have drawn an entire picture of the uterus and menstrual cycle to explain it all out to him. 

At the restaurant.


(and by might have I mean I 100% did this...)

and yes, somehow we're still together. 

It didn't scare him off. In fact, maybe thats the very moment I realized he was a keeper, I mean what other 24 year old man would put up with that kind of third date topic of conversation? Well, if I ever have a son I can only hope he would do the same. I want to raise strong beings, considerate beings, ladies and gentlemen with endless spunk and individuality. In the light of all the pain, suffering, and outright craziness in this world we are also living in a time where women are finding their voices. There are Marches, catch phrases like The Future is Female, Strong is the new Sexy, #pussypower, #metoo and, while I stand behind these powerful movements, I also believe part of this momentum comes from the fact that there is unwavering power in Knowledge.

I want my future children to understand the menstrual cycle and know what different signs and symptoms throughout the cycle could be saying about a womans health. Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is an accepted part of the menses in adolescence and beyond. We are reassured by our medical doctors, our families, and our friends that this a normal part of being a woman. Acne, mood swings, bloating, loose stools etc- Hey! Just a price to pay once a month, if its too much for you to deal with, they turn very quickly to Oral Contraceptive Pills. Did you know a study showed that 33% of teens on OCP's are taking the medication for reasons other than preventing pregnancy. Let me state that again: Of those taking birth control, 1/3 of girls between the age of 14 and 19 are being given hormones to orally put into their bodies for reasons other than preventing pregnancy. Many of these women end up staying on birth control through their teens, and late into their 20's or 30's when they find themselves ready to try to conceive. Additionally, these hormones are being prescribed with very little education to the patients, and even less guidance.  

My daughters will know while this is an option for them, there are other lifestyle interventions and/or temporary herbal and supplemental interventions that can be tried first to regulate the cause of their symptoms rather than hijack their bodies own hormonal patterns with synthetic hormones. Birth Control is a valuable intervention, and a valuable prescription, however there is a time and a place.  I want my daughter to know HER body and HER hormones and if she ever needs to use Birth Control she will be educated on how it is affecting her body and she will know what nutrients are being depleted so she can prevent certain deficiencies. She will know how these hormones are excreted from her body after they serve their purpose so that she can nurture these pathways and maintain balance within her body. I also want my son to know this so he can appreciate the effects taking Birth Control has on the women in his life. 

Next, my daughters and my sons will know where the blood from menstrual cycles come from. In the absence of pregnancies and other conditions this is something that happens EVERY. SINGLE. MONTH. Menstruating women often go their entire lives without understanding where the blood is coming from. Understanding the menstrual cycle can connect you a little further with your body, and it can teach you to listen to your body and things your body may be trying to tell you. I have had patients ask forwardly "where is the blood coming from" or "isn't it just the blood that would have gone to into my baby if I would have become pregnant?" Well, not really. A wonderful resource for understanding your menstrual cycle are these youtube videos by Khan Academy on the matter (links posted below) . But simply put, you are bleeding endometrial tissue that has been built up on the inside walls of your uterus in order to sustain the implantation of a blastocyst. 




In many peoples reality, the menstrual cycle is a taboo topic, an embarrassing and uncomfortable part of the month. It is often dreaded and many of us have loss that mind body connection that is very undervalued. Historically, the menstrual cycle served as a time of the month where women (often in tribes) would bond together and separate themselves from the tribe. It was seen as a time for the women to recenter, find balance, and reconnect with themselves and the earth. We have shifted very far from this so I challenge you to try to nurture your relationship with your feminine physiology and empower your women-hood or the women in your life with educating yourself on this topic. 



Molly Sears