Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine


Upcoming Events

Meal PReP and Prosper workshop (2).png
Functional Med Wellness Talk Series (3).png

The goal of this four week program is to help you and your family learn how easy healthy eating can be. Each participant will receive the following:

  • Notes of what Dr. Sears covers in the course

    • The Basics of healthy eating and what to look for on a food label

    • Creating awareness about “healthy” food marketing

    • How to pair carbs, protein, and fats

    • Food as Pharmacy

    • Common digestive concerns and how to optimize your digestion

  • Healthy Recipe Book

  • List of helpful resources in the realm of food prep

  • As part of this program there will be a group trip to the grocery store and cooking night to put what we learn into practice!

HEalth and Wellness NOCO Series (4).png

Dr. Sears is excited to be hosting an 8 week wellness talk series! These talks will be split between Fort Collins and Loveland and are being put on in partnership with Sante Wellness. Dr. Sears will be speaking on Preventative Cardiology, Period Solutions, and The Liver- the other talks will feature a Functional Nutritionist, a skin care expert and essential oil practitioner. To learn more about locations, times, and topics click above to sign up for which talks you will be attending! All of the talks will be free besides the Clean Home Products which will cost $15 for the products you make and get to take home!